What is Senti-Pensante?
Combining two Spanish words that mean feeling-thinking, senti-pensante promotes a body-mind process that links together reason and emotion, in service of deepening our cultural awareness and sensitivity, and promoting greater understanding, interconnectedness and collaboration. By acknowledging and celebrating differences, it challenges the dominant culture’s tendency to separate and fragment, fostering greater ability to bridge cultural divides, opening the door for engaging with others with curiosity, compassion and solidarity. The senti-pensante methodologies, tools and practices provide a holistic framework for embodied activism, facilitating inner work for social transformation. The three “R”s of the senti-pensante services and spaces are:
who we are, our authentic self, our true purpose
ourselves, accessing our gifts, fostering resilience
within and without, with ourselves and others, from a place of cultural wholeness
This process enables health care providers, trainers, coaches, managers, educators and community organizers working with culturally diverse individuals and communities to create positive organizational change and improve their culture of service, in a way that promotes safe and trusting relationships, healing and well-being, and cultural dignity from the inside out.
Building an Inner Sanctuary
Practicing Self-Care, Fostering Resilience and Creating Community
What individual and community resources do we have to best respond to the challenges of our times?
How can we use these resources effectively engaging in social justice without burning out?
Igniting Cultural Dignity
In Service of Cultural Wholeness, from Barriers to Bridges
How can we expand and go beyond traditional conceptions of diversity and inclusion?
What practices create genuine inclusiveness and racial equity?
Discerning Wise Action
Navigating Change and Chaos, Choosing Growth and Freedom
How can we transform life’s inevitable conflicts into opportunities to grow and thrive?
How do we show up for ourselves and others fully and authentically?
Grief as Soul Work
How to Awaken the Compassionate Witness
How can we tap into the transformational power of grief?
How do we turn loss into an invitation for self-discovery, growth and fuller participation in the world?